Saturday, November 30, 2013

Minimal kick/push scooter stand/rack

4T - the scooter stand with a twist.

This is what the 4T scooter stand looks like.  It is made of only 4 tee PVC couplers.  So if you count, the material cost is slightly over $1.

The 1st principle of stands is that you have to make use of your own weight.  There is always a groove between the flat feet rest and the front wheel of every scooter.  This is where the scooter is slightly lifted off the ground by a horizontal bar.  Whether the front wheel is turned sideways does not matter.  It depends on what position of the scooter design feels more stable.

The stand is based on the 45 deg slope design common for bikes.

In the original design the two sides of the stand are parallel.  The handle rest on one of the side bars with a little bit off vertical.  It is still very stable.  The intention is to add some guides at the top end of the pipes to make the handle perfectly vertical with respect to the front-rear axis.  However, it was discovered that a little twist of the side bars will do just that.  And because the base is now wider, the stand is more stable.

You can make it prettier, stronger, but you can't beat using only 4 tee's.  So this is it.  Obviously when you are doing a rack you can modify it to be more space efficient.  But you can put the stands as is very closely side-by-side with the twisted legs crossing each other.

If you just lift the handle the stand goes with you.

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